Send SMS


For sending messages, the base url is:


{info} This endpoint is rate limited to 120 requests per second. Consider sending in Batches for higher volume throughput


Method URI
POST /send-sms

Request Params

Param Type Description
sender string(required) The Sender ID to send the message with
message string(required) Short Message to be sent
phone string(required) Phone Number to receive message. Should start with country code with 12 characters (e.g 254 for kenya) or 07 with 10 characters for Kenya or 7 with 9 characters for Kenya.
correlator string(optional) A Unique identifier generated by YOUR system, for each message. We forward delivery receipts together with your correlator, to help you identify the message in your system associated with the delivery receipt
link_id string(varies) An initiator identifier that was sent by an originating message, MUST be provided when sending on-demand messages
endpoint string(optional) Your endpoint that we will call to send delivery receipt for a given message. Click HERE for the structure

Sample Request Header

    "Content-type: application/json",
    "Accept: application/json",
    "Auntorization: Bearer 123456666"

Sample Request Body

  "sender": "BONGATECH",
  "message": "Test API",
  "phone": "07XXXXXXXX",
  "correlator": 1

Sample Success Response

StatusCode 200


  "status": true,
  "message": "Message successfully queued!",
  "data": {
    "correlator": 2,
    "uniqueId": "unique-string",
    "phone": "254XXXXXXXXX",
    "sms_units": 1

Sending in Batches

This will help overally reduce on network/resource usage by chunking multiple messages into a single request.

{danger} For batch sending, a maximum of 100 concurrent messages can be sent on a single JSON request body

        "sender": "BONGATECH",
        "message": "Test API",
        "phone": "07XXXXXXXX",
        "correlator": 1
        "sender": "BONGATECH",
        "message": "Test API 2",
        "phone": "07XXXXXXXX",
        "correlator": 2

Sample Success Response

StatusCode 200


        "status": true,
        "message": "Message successfully queued!",
        "data": {
            "correlator": 1,
            "uniqueId": "unique-string",
            "phone": "254XXXXXXXXX",
            "sms_units": 1
        "status": true,
        "message": "Message successfully queued!",
        "data": {
            "correlator": 2,
            "uniqueId": "unique-string",
            "phone": "254XXXXXXXXX",
            "sms_units": 1

{info} Official SDKs can be obtained HERE.

Also consider having a look at our responses format HERE In order to anticipate all the formats our responses are returned in, and hence a better handling of the same.

Sample Error Response

Code 401

Reason Invalid or Missing Token


    "status": false,
    "message": "Unauthenticated."

{info} Consider having a look at our responses format HERE, in order to anticipate all the formats our responses are returned in, and hence a better handling of the same.

Send Via URL

Alternatively, you can send messages directly via a GET METHOD.

The endpoint is:


Request Params

All the parameters listed here, apply. They should instead be appended as GET parameters

A sample request is:


{warning} Replace testuser with your username and testpassword is your password, that you use to log into the portal

Delivery Receipts Structure

All Requested delivery receipts will be delivered via a POST method with the below structure.

     "phone": "254XXXXXXXXX",
     "correlator": 2,
     "uniqueId": "unique-string",
     "deliveryStatus": "DeliveredToTerminal",
     "deliveryTime": "2020-01-01 00:00:00"